мав трохи часу та натхнення вдосконалити той простий скрипт для квейкізації терміналу:
на жаль, поки що не подужав виправити головний недолік: ховаючись, термінал не віддає фокус іншому вікну — поки що не знаю, як це зробити.

як ще можна вдосконалити? може, додати можливість вибрати емулятор терміналу, а якщо вибраний не встановлено — запускати заданий в $term?

кому треба — скрипт під катом.

поновлення (2016-03-27). поборов проблему з фокусом за допомогою xdotool, під катом оновлений код.

поновлення (2016-03-28). ні, не поборов: запускаю нову версію через alt+f2 (gmrun) — працює, але «вішаю» на хоткей openbox — не працює =/

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# quaketerm v0.3
# e script to lauch a single instance of a terminal (terminator) in a quake mode
# (drop-down): attach to a hotkey (win+q for exampple) and hit the combination
# to launch/hide/unhide the terminal
# acknowledgement: this script was initially based off a much simpler one found
# at https://www.linuxjournal.com/magazine/hack-and-automate-your-desktop-wmctrl
# dependencies: wmctrl, cut, xdotool
# known issue: upon hiding the terminal does not loose focus (this really needs
# fixing...)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# changelog:
# v0.3
# xdotool to fix focus issue (pass focus to previous running app)
# v0.2
# setting terminal size in %, autocentering, code cleanup
# v0.1
# first working version, terminal title, code cleanup
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

main () {
# SET these variables to setup the desired quake-like terminal dimentions
local TERMINAL_WIDTH_REL=80 # in %
local TERMINAL_HEIGHT_REL=70 # in %
local TERMINAL_X=-1 # if set to -1 will center automatically
local TERMINAL_Y=0 # default is 0 (top of screen); set to -1 to center vertically
local TERMINAL_TITLE="Quaketerminal"

# do not edit these variables: defined internally
local DESKTOP_SIZE="0x0"
local DESKTOP_WIDTH=0 # in px
local DESKTOP_HEIGHT=0 # in px
local TERMINAL_WIDTH=0 # in px
local TERMINAL_HEIGHT=0 # in px
readonly TAB=$(echo -e "\t")

# out of the regular desctops list provided by wmctl -d cut out one line
# for the active desktop and then cut out the desktop size (in WxH format)
DESKTOP_SIZE=$(wmctrl -d | grep " \* " | cut -d " " -f 5 )

# divide the desktop size string into x and y
DESKTOP_WIDTH=$(echo "$DESKTOP_SIZE" | cut -d "x" -f 1 )
DESKTOP_HEIGHT=$(echo "$DESKTOP_SIZE" | cut -d "x" -f 2 )

# do some checks on the settings
if [[ ${TERMINAL_WIDTH_REL} -gt 100 ]]; then
if [[ ${TERMINAL_HEIGHT_REL} -gt 100 ]]; then
if [[ ${TERMINAL_X} -gt ${DESKTOP_WIDTH} ]]; then
if [[ ${TERMINAL_Y} -gt ${DESKTOP_HEIGHT} ]]; then

# calculate absolute terminal width x height based on relative size in %
# and the desktop size (gives integer result in bash (no float math)

# calculate position (x of the left top corner) for the terminal window
# (the y coordinate should be set by user, usually just 0)
if [[ ${TERMINAL_X} -lt 0 ]]; then
if [[ ${TERMINAL_Y} -lt 0 ]]; then

# check if the terminal window with the set title exists already
# and if not -- launch the terminal with the set title and geometry
wmctrl -l | grep "${TERMINAL_TITLE}"
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
terminator --title="${TERMINAL_TITLE}" --geometry="${TERMINAL_WIDTH}"x"${TERMINAL_HEIGHT}"+"${TERMINAL_X}"+"${TERMINAL_Y}" &

# now the terminal window should be running
# unshade and bring to the front if shaded
if [[ -f $HOME/.quaketerm.shaded ]]; then
wmctrl -F -R "${TERMINAL_TITLE}"
wmctrl -F -r "${TERMINAL_TITLE}" -b remove,below,shaded
rm $HOME/.quaketerm.shaded
# shade and send back if active and simulate Alt+Tab keypress
# to pass focus to next app (case is important, "alt+tab" will trigger error)
wmctrl -F -r "${TERMINAL_TITLE}" -b add,shaded,below
touch $HOME/.quaketerm.shaded
xdotool key alt+Tab

# main program loop

exit 0