порожня оболонка
2017-08-16, 15:31
| tivasyk
ех… в коледжі довелося трохи познайомитися з microsoft powershell… що можу сказати: як це розбачити?!
цитата | «if you are used to unix and need to achieve some basic scripting task in windows you may be tempted to explore powershell, as it’s the current “state of the art” in windows command lines. ideally, don’t: powershell feels like it was built by people who had heard about command lines a long time ago and tried to recreate one based on stories passed down through generations of their ancestors. it may well be a powerful and appropriate tool for windows sysadmins who have taken the time to learn it. but if you have a unix background and for some reason you do want to use it, here is what it’s like…» (майк герн)